Dynamic regulation of the properties of the wall of the aorta; epithelial and smooth muscle interactions.
Current Research
Studies in our laboratory demonstrate that the aorta of the rat is
differentiated regionally for dynamic regulation of the properties of the
vessel wall. The regulation occurs by cell signaling from the aortic
endothelium, which is differentiated regionally, to the underlying smooth
muscle cell layers. At least three signal pathways are involved, two of them
well known. The formation of nitric oxide (NO) from L-arginine in aortic
endothelium exhibits a characteristic activity pattern: greatest activity
just distal to the aortic arch and progressively diminishing activity
distally. The same regional pattern obtains for the formation and action of
a product of the cyclooxygenase arm of the eicosanoid pathway, probably
prostaglandin H2. The third signal pathway, a novel mechanism, exhibits the
same regional pattern. Aortic endothelial cells convert the carbon atoms of
L-leucine to L-glutamate. Nitric oxide and L-glutamate act on the underlying
vascular smooth muscle to increase the level of cGMP (guanosine 3',5'-cyclic
monophosphate), which results in smooth muscle relaxation. Prostaglandin H2
acts contrarily to decrease the level of cGMP. The aortic segment
differentiated for these pathways corresponds to the "windkessel" region,
the major elastic reservoir of the aorta. Dynamic regulation of the
compliance and other viscoelastic properties of the aortic wall in this
region can modulate important hemodynamic parameters including the arterial
systolic and pulse pressures, the work of the left ventricle and the
pulse-wave velocity.The new leucine-to-glutamate (leu-glu) pathway is of
particular interest and under systematic study. The molecular and enzymatic
mechanisms involved in the metabolic conversion, the transport steps and the
physiological responses of vascular smooth muscle to glutamate are under
investigation. We know that leucine derivatives and analogs can block the
leu-glu conversion and markedly lower the cGMP levels of aortic smooth
muscle. Drugs based on these leucine derivatives thus have the potential of
affecting important vascular functions.
The pancreas and the aorta exhibit the greatest leu-glu activity of
rat tissues tested. To determine the functions of the pathway in pancreas,
we have studied pancreatic segments incubated in vitro and characterized its
biochemical properties. It is very similar to the aortic pathway and can be
inhibited with leucine esters, L-valine and alpha-ketoisovalerate. We have
shown that inhibition of the pathway impairs the stimulated exocrine
secretion of the major pancreatic digestive enzymes, alpha-amylase,
beta-lipase and tryptic enzymes. Further, inhibition of the pathway impairs
glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. We now focus on the biochemical
mechanisms by which the leu-glu pathway supports pancreatic stimulated
exocrine and endocrine secretion.
The approaches used in this laboratory encompass animal physiology, cellular
biology, membrane biochemistry and molecular biology.
The new leucine-to-glutamate (leu-glu) pathway is of particular interest and under systematic study. The molecular and enzymatic mechanisms involved in the metabolic conversion, the transport steps and the physiological responses of vascular smooth muscle to glutamate are under investigation. We know that leucine derivatives and analogs can block the leu-glu conversion and markedly lower the cGMP levels of aortic smooth muscle. Drugs based on these leucine derivatives thus have the potential of affecting important vascular functions. We have also demonstrated that the leu-glu pathway is prominent in certain other tissues: pancreas, lung, testes and ovaries. In the pancreas, for example, the islets of Langerhans carry out the conversion, and glutamate has been demonstrated to enhance insulin secretion. Possible regulation by glutamate of functions in these tissues will be explored.
The approaches used in this laboratory encompass animal physiology, cellular biology, membrane biochemistry and molecular biology.
Selected Publications
David Schachter and Jean Buteau. Glutamate formation via the leucine-to-glutamate pathway of rat pancreas.
Am. J. Physiol. Gastrointestinal Liver Physiol. 306: G938-G946, 2014.
Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 293: C142-C151.
Schachter, D. 2007. L-Glutamine in vitro regulates rat aortic glutamate
content and modulates nitric oxide formation and contractility responses.
Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 293: C142-C151.
Schachter, D., Sang, J.C. 2002. Aortic leucine-to-glutamate pathway:
metabolic route and regulation of contractile responses. Am. J. Physiol.
(Heart Circ. Physiol.) 282: H1135-H1148.
Schachter, D., Sang, J.C. 1997. Regional differentiation in the rat aorta
for a novel signaling pathway: leucine to glutamate. Am. J.
Physiol. (Heart Circ. Physiol.) 273:H1484-H1492.
Abbott, R.E, Schachter, D. 1994. Inheritance of salt-dependent hypertension
in the inbred Dahl Rat. Hypertension 24:506-511.
Abbott, R.E., Schachter, D. 1994. Regional differentiation in rat
aorta: L-arginine metabolism and cGMP content in vitro. American Journal of
Physiology 266:H2287-H22954.